Barely two months till 2012 and I am nowhere near my goal weight. If I want to end this year right, I need to lose weight and I need to do it soon. Never mind that I am chomping on a 180-calorie chocolate-filled cookie sandwich while typing these words. Yes, you heard it right. It's a COOKIE SANDWICH -- a cookie I spread with chocolate filling and slapped with another cookie.
Oh food! But how can I refuse such yummy treats?
Nonetheless, I am on a mission. That cookie was my weekly indulgence before I start kicking my butt again on Monday. I have committed to a twice-a-day 4x-a-week workout regimen and a daily 1300-calorie diet with a cheat day once a week where I can eat whatever I want but in moderation.
I was scouting the net for some help and I found some very helpful and simple sites that got me started on this project. I'm not sure if this is going to be effective but what better way to find out than try it out myself. It has been a week since I started and I am glad to report that so far, I have lost 2 lbs. It's not much but it's definitely a good start.
If you're trying to lose some of the extra baggage too just like me, here's how you can do it...
1. Visit
This is a pretty awesome site. You just need to input some numbers like your current weight, age, height and your goal weight. After which, it's going to give you another set of numbers like your daily caloric intake and how to distribute it throughout the day. It also includes some exercise programs that you can try out.
Just go there and you'll see what I mean.
2. Visit
This is another helpful site. It made life so much easier for me. You can record what you ate for the day and you'll know how much calories you've chowed on already.It's just awesome. A free online food diary to help you reach that perfect weight you've been striving to have.
It even records your sodium intake, protein-fat-carbohydrate percentages for the day.
That's not all. It also lists workout exercises with corresponding calories burned depending on your current weight. For instance, I did 40-minute moderate Tae Bo last Friday morning and it says, I burned 400 calories for doing that. Cool, huh?
3. Visit
Decide what exercise programs you want to stick to. For me, Billy Blanks' Tae Bo workouts were the best among the many I've tried. I sweat like crazy after every workout with Billy and it's fast and fun too.
So, if you want Billy Blanks to teach you how to box and kick then go visit his site and grab his latest Tae Bo workout videos.
Billy incorporates a combination of cardio and strength on his workouts. It is said that you can burn as much as 700 plus calories by doing an hour of vigorous kicking and boxing.
I love it and you might too!
4. Visit
Here's another trainer that you might want to check out too. She's said to be America's Toughest. Some love her. Some don't. But if she works for you, why not.
For me, she works. I've tried her 30-day Shred workout and it hurts like crazy after a couple of days of doing it. She usually incorporates a combinations of a strength, cardio and abs to her workouts. Her 30-days shred is divided into 3 levels and each level lasts for 25-30 minutes only. You can do level 1 for 10 days, then another 10 days for level 2 and the last 10 days for level 3.
I like that its short although the pacing is slower compared to that of Billy Blanks. Nonetheless, she can get your body aching the next day which must mean that the workout actually works.
Well, that's it. Just remember to add variety to your workout because once it gets boring and too repetitive, the fun is gone and you'll want to stop. You can jog on some days and do Billy every other day. If you're tired of Billy, you can do Jillian's. It all depends on what works for you! Good luck and I'll keep you posted of my progress.
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