"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day.
According to the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), 2009 data shows that the magnitude of poor population in the Philippines is in 23.1 millions. (See data at NSCB website)
That is an astounding number. Unfortunately, it is a sad, scary truth that has been around for a long, long time. Even before and during Jesus' time, poverty already existed. Remember the poor widow who put in her last two very small copper coins as offerings (Mark 12:42)?
Yes, poverty is an epidemic and not only in the Philippines but around the globe. People die because of hunger. Millions of Filipino families live under a dollar everyday. They seldom eat three times a day. Children, disabled, men and women alike roam the streets of the cities to ask for alms. They live in the slums and most are jobless.
Year after year, the state of poverty in the Philippines is getting worse. The number is ever increasing and if we do not put a halt to it, we will find ourselves in a sea of impoverished fellowmen.
But how do we help the poor? There are already a hundred NGOs around the country doing their share but it still doesn't seem to be enough. We see hundreds of on-going feeding programs, medical missions, and add to that those TV shows that give away cash prizes on a daily basis. Yes, these efforts help but after the meal was consumed and the prize money was gone, what happens next?
If we really want to help the poor, we need to stop offering band-aid solutions. These are temporary and forgettable. It doesn't deal with the root cause of the problem resulting in little to no difference at all. We need to come up with solutions that are meant to deal with the causes and not just the symptoms of the disease. Poverty is like a deadly disease that spreads like an epidemic because of lack of education, unavailability of decent jobs and poor mentality.
Poor people remains poor because they allow their situations and circumstances to dictate the course of their lives. Breaking free from poverty will never be a walk in the park. It will require hard work and grim determination to get past through the challenges and setbacks along the way. But the feat is possible because there are people who have already done it.
I came up with 4 E-STEPS on how we might be able to gradually eradicate poverty in the Philippines. This is not based on a study or research but this is merely based on my opinion, observations and readings.
But how do we help the poor? There are already a hundred NGOs around the country doing their share but it still doesn't seem to be enough. We see hundreds of on-going feeding programs, medical missions, and add to that those TV shows that give away cash prizes on a daily basis. Yes, these efforts help but after the meal was consumed and the prize money was gone, what happens next?
If we really want to help the poor, we need to stop offering band-aid solutions. These are temporary and forgettable. It doesn't deal with the root cause of the problem resulting in little to no difference at all. We need to come up with solutions that are meant to deal with the causes and not just the symptoms of the disease. Poverty is like a deadly disease that spreads like an epidemic because of lack of education, unavailability of decent jobs and poor mentality.
Poor people remains poor because they allow their situations and circumstances to dictate the course of their lives. Breaking free from poverty will never be a walk in the park. It will require hard work and grim determination to get past through the challenges and setbacks along the way. But the feat is possible because there are people who have already done it.
I came up with 4 E-STEPS on how we might be able to gradually eradicate poverty in the Philippines. This is not based on a study or research but this is merely based on my opinion, observations and readings.
Changing one's poor mindset is a good place to start. They may be born into poverty but they don't have to die poor. They just need to understand that things CAN change for the better. Change the way they think and actions will follow through.Step 2: EMPOWER
As soon as the mind is ready, the next step is to prepare them for the long journey. They need to know that they have what it takes to do this. It's definitely not going to be easy but they need to know that there are people who are ready to guide, support and even love them.Step 3: ENDEAVOR
If one has already set his mind to overcome poverty, it is time to set a goal, big enough that will challenge and motivate them to keep going even if the path is tough and hard.They need to have a target and they need to know where they are going. Setting a goal or an endeavor is essential for their success in beating poverty.Step 4: EDUCATION
The tool that they need the most is education. A degree will not get them out of poverty but the experience of getting a diploma will widen their horizons and challenge their perspectives. Education is not the only solution but it is a key that will open doors of opportunities for our poor people.
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